RSE | Our certificates and labels
since 2010
Offset production (Vitry-sur-Seine production site)
certified since 2010
Digital production (Saint-Priest production site)
certifiedsince 2015
These two certifications make KVC PRINT a certified chain of custody allowing us to guarantee the sale of products printed on paper from responsibly managed forests according to the FSC® or PEFC™ systems.
GREEN PRINTsince 2008
Labeled offset production in 2008
digital productionlabeledin 2014
This brand specific to our activity provides you with essential guarantees:
- Collection and processing of all of our hazardous waste.
- Securing the storage of dangerous liquids.
- Total elimination of the use of toxic products
- Environmental awareness of our customers
- Monitoring of our energy consumption
More information onImprim'Vert, the brand for environmentally friendly printers